Geohazards special edition

The papers in this special issue of the SAJG were produced from a DST funded project undertaken by the South African Council for Geoscience (CGS) from the years 2010-2014. The aim of the project was to develop a South African Geological Hazards Observation System (SAGHOS). Geological hazards are naturally occurring or human-induced phenomena that present a risk life and infrastructure. The geohazards investigated include landslides, coastal geohazards, terrestrial erosion, earthquakes, mining related deformation, sinkholes and subsidence, geochemical hazards, sinkholes and subsidence, problem soils, tsunami and groundwater vulnerability. The study of geohazards involves the assessments of their mechanisms of formation, impact areas and long-term monitoring. Remote sensing and spatial analysis techniques are instrumental in the assessment and monitoring of geohazards.

Table of Contents


Geohazards special edition PDF
chiedza musekiwa i - ii


The Use of Landsat and Aerial Photography for the Assessment of Coastal Erosion and Erosion Susceptibility in False Bay, South Africa PDF
Kerry Callaghan, Jeanine Engelbrecht, Jaco Kemp 65 - 79
Geophysical monitoring of coastal erosion and cliff retreat of Monwabisi Beach, False Bay, South Africa PDF
Michael Robert MacHutchon 80 - 95
The influence of wave action on coastal erosion along Monwabisi Beach, Cape Town PDF
Jean-Pierre Fourie, Isabelle Ansorge, Bjorn Backeberg, Hayley Cawthra, Michael MacHutchon, Wilhelm van Zyl 96 - 109
Projected inundations for tsunami waves in low-lying areas on the South African coast PDF
Hayley C. Cawthra, F. Wilhelm van Zyl 110 - 122
An assessment of coastal vulnerability for the South African coast PDF
chiedza musekiwa, Hayley C Cawthra, Maxime Unterner, Wilhem van Zyl 123 - 137
Change detection of bare areas in the Xolobeni region, South Africa using Landsat NDVI. PDF
Rebekah Gereldene Singh, Jeanine Engelbrecht, Jaco Kemp 138 - 148
Remote sensing study of soil hazards for Odendaalsrus in the Free State Province PDF
Patrick Cole, Janine Cole, Souleymane Diop, Marinda Havenga 149 - 160
Mineralogy and heavy metal content of secondary mineral salts: A case study from the Witwatersrand Gold Basin, South Africa. PDF
Mafuza Maya, Malcom Sutton, Hlanganani Tutu, Isabel Weiersbye 161 - 173
Remote sensing and geochemistry techniques for the assessment of coal mining pollution, Witbank (Emalahleni), Mpumalanga. PDF
Mafuza Maya, Ponani Mthembi, Chiedza Musekiwa, Melissa Crowley 174 - 188