Gravimetry And Its Application To Geohydrology : A review

Gaathier mahed


The application of gravity to Geohydrology is reviewed. A short background and history related to the application of geophysics to Geohydrology is outlined. Multiple works related to ground based gravimetry applied to the hydrological sciences in general are examined. These include the possible errors which might occur when applying gravimetry to hydrological studies. Furthermore, the satellite based applications of gravity for hydrology are also briefly outlined in order to compare to the aforementioned ground based gravity. Then a review of the most recent works related to hydrological modelling and correlation with residual gravity signals is shown in order to highlight the usefulness of this geophysical tool. International as well as African case studies are mentioned in order to highlight applicability. Thereafter a South African context of studies related to gravity is shown with a focus on the South African Geodynamic Observatory at Sutherland. Lastly the future outlook of gravity studies is examined in order to advance work in this arena and guide studies to come.


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